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Saturday, April 2, 2011

The Treatments of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome - 5 Effective Methods - Learn Them Now!

The Treatments of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome - 5 Effective Methods - Learn Them Now!
By [http://ezinearticles.com/?expert=Carine_Woodman]Carine Woodman

Many people are now searching for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome treatments. There is also much concern on the diagnosis of the symptoms associated with Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. Most of these concerns originated from office workers, pianists, drummers, writers and massage therapists, i.e people who utilize their hands and wrists for long periods of time. The symptoms include a sensation of pain or numbness in the hands and wrists, or in most cases, extends to the fingers and its finger tips.


Doctors nowadays advices patients to undergo surgery for treatment of this Syndrome. A surgery of this nature involves opening the carpal tunnel of the wrist and cutting off the transverse carpal ligament, so as to release the pressure on the median nerve. This treatment way is quick, and patients are not required to stay at the hospital. The main concern of many patients is on the subsequent recovery which takes place. It would take at least 2 months to recover completely after surgery. There are also concerns on the scars left by surgery as the marks do not go away and would need much more care for recovery. Patients are also advised to wear splints for a few weeks. In normal circumstances, surgery is advised for serious cases of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.


There are many over the counter drug prescriptions to help relieve the pain caused by Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. Among the more popular ones are anti-inflammatory drugs prescribed by doctors for pain-relief. However, be careful on drugs prescription, as there might be long term effects to this type of treatment. Although the pain might be temporarily relieved, in the long run, the root of the symptoms are not completely eliminated. Therefore, it is better to use the drugs sparingly. On other times, doctors suggest injection with a corticosteroid for pain relief. This may be because oral prescriptions are not as effective as injections in reducing inflammation. Choosing oral or injection depends on the budget of the patient, as well as the advise from the doctor. Normally, injections cost more.


The main cause of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is coming from the activity performed by the patient throughout the years. For most examples, it is actually a fact that most Carpal Tunnel Syndrome patients are people who utilize their hands and wrists with a higher number of times than others. Does that mean that you need to stop using your hands? Not if you agree to it. The main focus lies in a change of the activities, or a change of frequency in those activities that uses the hands and wrists the most. Set aside short periods of resting times before continuing the flow of activities performed. For example, a drummer might want to stop for 5 to 10 minutes before continuing his performance. Another example would be a typist, who could rest her hands by going to the rest room for a hand wash on an hourly basis, to release the muscles from typing activities.


A well planned diet is stressed to Carpal Tunnel Syndrome patients. "We are what we eat" definitely has its origin in the root cause of any disease. When the body has a symptom, it can be effectively linked to the diet of the patient. in the case of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, the position of the nerve is static, and is overworked, causing the symptoms of numbness and tingling pain. A good suggestion for pain relief is to drink lots of water to cleanse the nerves. A well planned diet should also be non-toxin in nature, i.e less meat, more green leafy vegetables (preferably organic) and plenty of fruits above the ground. Salts and seasoning or any processed flavoring should be reduced, or replaced with other better alternatives like natural seasonings. The main aim is to cleanse the body of toxin deposits, and improve the digestion, effectively reducing over working on the nerves of the body system.


This method might be new to normal people, but people who suffer from Carpal Tunnel Syndrome would know that this is so far the best method of prevention and treatment. Patients who undergo surgery are frequently advised to exercise their wrists lightly post-surgery (after 2 months). This is to let our hand muscles to go back to the original state. Of course, this should be consistent with a regular exercise structure. There are many people who suffer Carpal Tunnel symptoms who tell of a full recovery after this exercise, joining it with other forms of exercise like jogging, yoga, taichi, reiki etc.

In summary, do not be afraid to try out the many treatment methods or seek further advice on the effects of each treatment solution. The key is not to delay. In fact, 80% of people who experience Carpal Tunnel symptoms successfully cured those symptoms without going for surgery or injections! Take full responsibility for your health today, and take early action to treat those symptoms, and be always ready to change your work-life habits and exercise patterns if you want to get rid of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome permanently.

Many Carpal Tunnel Syndrome sufferers managed to get rid of their symptoms permanently through a proper diet and exercise regime, especially for their wrists. There is actually a proven [http://www.squidoo.com/methods-of-carpal-tunnel-syndrome-treatment]methods of carpal tunnel syndrome treatment without surgery or drugs. Go to [http://carpal-tunnel-master.com]Carpal-Tunnel-Master.com and learn of a true story on a former chronic sufferer who cured her Carpal Tunnel symptoms permanently, through various wrists exercises, and simple massage techniques.

Article Source: [http://EzineArticles.com/?The-Treatments-of-Carpal-Tunnel-Syndrome---5-Effective-Methods---Learn-Them-Now!&id=4569652] The Treatments of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome - 5 Effective Methods - Learn Them Now!

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