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Saturday, April 2, 2011

Have Carpal Tunnel Syndrome? Here's Info You Need

Have Carpal Tunnel Syndrome? Here's Info You Need
By [http://ezinearticles.com/?expert=Don_Pittwood]Don Pittwood

What is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

If you are experiencing pain in your wrist, or numbness or a tingling sensation in your fingers, it's quite possible you have Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is a sometimes painful, always annoying, condition of the hand, usually brought about by some type of repetitive activity like typing or hammering.  Other factors can also contribute to the condition, such as arthritis, diabetes, thyroid problems, menopause, pregnancy and poor posture.

Where Is My Carpal Tunnel?

The Carpal Tunnel is a pass way through the bones and ligaments in your wrist, which protects the main nerve and the tendons that operate your fingers.  When even small blows to the fingers or to the entire hand are repeated often, inflammation can set in and cause the lining of the tunnel to swell.  This puts pressure on the nerve, which causes pain, tingling, numbness or some combination of all three.

What Can I Do To Eliminate My Carpal Tunnel Problem?

If your job requires repetitive hand actions that bring on any of the above symptoms of Carpal Tunnel, the best course of action would be to seek a new job that doesn't require so much use of your hands.  If this is not possible or practical, try to alter your job routine to permit frequent periods of relaxation and avoid using your hands in awkward or strained positions if possible.

Continued agitation of a Carpal Tunnel condition without treatment can result in permanent damage to nerves and muscles.

If your source of agitation to your hands and wrists happens to be related to typing on a computer, there is a neat little utility you can install that will eliminate the need for typing any data more than once, thus reducing the typing you have to do. Please see the resource box below for more about this.

What Are My Options For Treating Carpal Tunnel Problems?

Treatment options include wearing a wrist sprint at night to prevent further damage while you sleep and also during the day, if it doesn't make it impossible to do your work.

According to Bottom Line's book, "Health Breakthroughs, 2007," Carpal Tunnel problems related to inflammation--the most likely cause--can be overcome by taking a daily combination of vitamin B6 and natural thyroid hormone.  The book recommends 250 milligrams of B6.  You can get this over the counter, but you will need a prescription for the thyroid hormone.  This combination should clear up your Carpal Tunnel condition in six to twelve weeks if inflammation is the cause, and you can take it up to six months to prevent a reoccurrence.

A physical therapist has written a well illustrated ebook detailing exercises you can do at home that he has found in the course of his practice to greatly reduce the symptoms of Carpal Tunnel in most of his clients that have the problem.  For information on this, please see the resource box below.  I have read the book and can attest to the fact that it offers a lot of good information for anyone suffering from Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.

Two doctors have invented and patented a device which they claim will relieve most Carpal Tunnel problems without surgery or other treatments.  This is a pneumatic device that clamps around your wrist much like a blood pressure cuff and somehow deforms your carpal tunnel to provide more room for the median nerve, which is causing your problem by being confined in too little space.

Some Carpal Tunnel problems can only be taken care of by surgery, but this should be a last resort after you have exhausted all non-surgical treatments.  According to the Mayo Clinic, surveys reveal that about 70% of people who have had surgery for Carpal Tunnel experience great improvement, but, if you happen to be one of the 30% who don't do as well, it might take months to get back full use of your hand, and some numbness, pain, etc. may persist long after surgery.

If surgery proves to be your only option, however, before scheduling the usual open wrist kind of surgery, there is a new, much less invasive surgical technique that requires only two tiny incisions and restores your hand to full use in only about a week. Please see the resource box below for more information about this.

Pain Killers Work For Carpal Tunnel, But Don't Correct The Problem

Pain killers may help you live easier with a Carpal Tunnel condition, but they won't do anything to solve the underlying problem that caused the pain.  Your doctor will probably recommend cortisone shots for pain, but there are some new pain killers he or she may not know about, which you can apply externally.  Please see the resource box below for information about two of these.  I hope the above information on carpal tunnel syndrome will help you cope with what can be a really miserable and debilitating condition.

To get a free video of hand excersises, information about the Carpal Tunnel ebook, the typing utility, the two doctors' invention, the new surgical technique, two new pain killers and a surprise bonus, please visit: http://woodyp4.blogspot.com/

Article Source: [http://EzineArticles.com/?Have-Carpal-Tunnel-Syndrome?-Heres-Info-You-Need&id=1494620] Have Carpal Tunnel Syndrome? Here's Info You Need

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