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Saturday, July 9, 2011

Apply least invasive options first

The following article is a very interesting read. I think that following the authors lead will benefit us in other health issues.

John Arts
Abundant Living
Some years ago I suffered badly from tendon inflammation in my hand.
It was swollen, painful and had very little strength. I had a carpal tunnel operation which released some pressure, but did not solve the problem. I had about 20 per cent use of my hand and I remember muttering to myself that I may as well cut it off. It wasn’t a serious thought, but the problem was so bad that some radical hand surgery was booked. Before I had surgery I decided to make sure I had exhausted every non-invasive option first. I went on the most intensive micro nutritional regime possible within the maximum safe levels and this included Omega 3 fish oils, a range of antioxidants including 500+ mg of flavanols, trace minerals and a complex of other anti-inflammatory natural compounds. After three months the hand had improved so much I cancelled the surgery and now have 100 per cent use of my hand.
The best lessons in life are those that you learn from experience. What this taught me was to always try the least invasive options first before turning to higher risk options, which in this case was an operation with an uncertain outcome. This approach obviously does not apply to any acute or serious health problem.
There are a number of reasons why we look to what are essentially higher risk, more invasive solutions first. It can be anything from being impatient to a lack of information. One of the best things anyone can do if you have health problems is to become as informed as possible and I am encouraged when people contact me looking for more information about their problems. One of the best sources of information on health problems is the prestigious Mayo Clinic – www.mayoclinic.com – which provides free information on virtually every health problem and looks at various treatment options.
When using a complementary approach to health problems there are several things to consider. Firstly, it is important to have a proper diagnosis and symptom relief where needed. Secondly, you need the right nutrients at the right levels. The third factor is time. Many prescribed medicines work very quickly. Nutrients work more slowly by trying to restore normal cell function and therefore it is important to think in three monthly time blocks with a month by month review.
John Arts is the founder of Abundant Health. For product information
visit www.abundant.co.nz If you have questions or would like a free health plan phone 07 578 9051 or 0800 423 or email john@johnarts.co.nz You can join his newsletter at www.johnarts.co.nz

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