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Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Variety of Carpal Tunnel Exercises

To prevent carpal tunnel syndrome from becoming acute, consider some exercises to prevent the tendons and muscles from becoming tight. Medical procedures should not be the first consideration. There are noninvasive treatments that can bring comfort and healing.

Keeping your muscles and tendons flexible and strong can can relieve pain in the carpal tunnel. Frequent muscle stretching throughout day can reduce the swelling within the tunnel and bring relief by lessening the pressure around the carpal median nerve. The aspect of permanent injury is reduced.

I am going to list some exercises that can be done at home or at the work place to help those doing repetitive motion jobs.

These routines should be begin at the start of the workday and at various times during the day. Do these routines 3 to 5 time a week. Following these tips will bring healing to the carpal tunnel and minimize your discomfort.

To limber up, message the palm and back of the hand with thumb and fingers. Also message the muscles in the top and underside of the forearm to relax the muscles and work out knots in the muscles. Use firm pressure as you message. With the hand positioned out from the body in the “stop” position gently bend the fingers back toward the forearm until you feel the muscles stretch. Hold for about 5 seconds. Make a fist and then extend fingers out from fist. Repeat 4 or 5 times.

Stand or sit with your elbows at your waistline, your forearms extended in front of you parallel to the floor with your palms down. Make a fist with both hands and rotate hands back and forth. Open up the fist and extend your fingers. Repeat these exercises 10 times

Again with your elbows near your waist and your forearms parallel to the floor and in front of you with palms down grasp a one pound weight in each hand. Slowly let the weights bend your wrists down. Raise the weight to palms extended and repeat about 10 times. The one pound weight can be any thing that is handy and easy to grasp. Typically a small dumbbell is used.
With the same arm elbow position as above, hold a one pound weight in each hand. With the wrist held straight, slowly rotate your wrists from side to with a windshield wiper type motion. Repeat ten times.

With your elbows at your waist line, extend your forearms out in front of you parallel to the floor, hold a one pound weight in each hand. Slowly turn your wrists until your palms are facing up. Turn your wrists so your palms face down. Repeat this exercise 10 times.

These procedures have no side effects. If pain becomes severe when doing one or more of these exercises because of advanced stages of carpal tunnel syndrome, discontinue the ones that cause pain and continue with the rest. Slowly work those exercises that caused pain back into the exercise routine